I decided to embroider today since I've been doing so much quilting lately. I bought this grocery shopping tote for fifty cents and embroidered my intials on it. I think it turned out super cute!

Last night I found a tutorial on how to make organza flowers by Reese Dixon here:
They were so simple to make and her instructions are really easy to follow. After I made these, I attached them to a baby headband and this is what it looked like when I was done.

Also today I worked on a baby quilt top I had made using squares I bought off ebay. I don't normally buy prints like this so just buying two sets of precut squares was okay since I knew I could make a baby quilt with it and not have any left over. I liked the white on white print I used in the middle to create a window frame effect but it felt plain. So now that my embroidery machine was free I embroidered "shortcake" on the edges. I might embroider something symetrical in the center or else applique something there. I'm still unsure.

Close up of the embroidery

And this brings me to my next step, picking border fabrics. I always get stuck at this point, for some reason all my ideas and creativity leap out the door. My mom has the best eye for borders and pairing fabrics. I usually get too emotionally attached to fabric and prints that it makes it hard for me to "audition" other prints once I've decided on one, even if it may not be the best match. I think I need a design wall. Quickly, my husband says, "No." :)

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