These little Plume lovelies came last week... For now they will remain in my hoard and pet stash. I was also thinking that I should start saving some packs for my daughter Marisol in case she wants to sew one day... What a great addition to a hope chest!
I'm so in love with TULA PINK fabrics. I bought some Neptune before I even knew her designs and now that her fabric is hard to find once its out of print, I am collecting what I can now. I have not found one store in Canada that carries her fabric. Hopefully now that she's with FreeSpirit, that changes. I'm so sick of all the blah we get here. I love Hancock's of Paducah and Pink Chalk Fabrics because shipping from the US to Canada is so easy!
Flutterby and Nest finds...

Mid month my sister Ari came to visit. Here she is with my little Marisol just before we took her and Antonio to get their once a year photos taken.

I was determined not to pay the 230.00 I paid last time for too many photos I did not need like last year. They sent me a coupon for a 9.99 photo package and a free 10x13 photo. If you've ever been to SEARS Photo, you know how difficult it can be to use a coupon AND sit though their sales pitch for 45 minutes. Literally she was quoting me packages for 514.00, 415.00, 425.00, and 445.00. UMMM No! And then I gave her my coupon and she said wow that's a good deal. In the beginning of "negotiations" she offered me the smile club membership for 50.00 then at the end when I only spent 9.99, she offered it to me for 10.00. Seriously, nothing has a price. So I feel I chalked one up for my team when I only spent 30.00.
This is what my sister delivered from my mom... Pillowcase tops. She cut and ironed all of them so they are ready to embroider. It literally weighs about 50lbs. My husband took one look and said, "You guys are hoarders." He just doesn't understand!

I sent off two of the fat quarter parcels for the GenX HO HO HO Swap, the link is to the right... I still have to finish my ornament for my other swap partner asap!
The whole other part of this month has been spent making a bag from Amy Butler's new bag book...Sew Mama Sew Blog organized a bag swap. My partner and I decided to make each other the cosmo shoulder bag... I hope she likes hers! I can't post any pictures because I'm just about to send it to her and I want it to be a surprise....